Scadele cream 50 gm ar


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Psoriasis fighter

Scadele cream

  • Reduces scales formation by more than mechanism
  • Powerful anti inflammatory
  • perfect combination for moisturized skin
  • Anti microbial that prevent 2ry infection

Psoriasis is an auto immune disease appear on the skin Immune system send signals to speed up the growth cycle of the skin cells -It’s chronic recurring  condition that varies in severity from minor localized patches to complete body coverage .

It can cause inflammation of joints ( Psoriatic arthritis ).

(10-40 %  of people with psoriasis have Psoriatic arthritics.)

Areas affected :
majority in the outer side of the joint as elbows & knees
but can affect any area& like scalp & palms of hands Soles of feet
Fingernails or toenails are affected  (Psoriatic nail dystrophy).

Quality of life:
affect  such as chronic disease as HPT, CHF, depression acc. to location & severity.
Physical discomfort & disability – Itching & pain may interfere with basic
physiological function as walking &cleaning…


 most common type:




1-Topical agent

moisturizers ,mineral oils, coal tar ,corticosteroid ,vitamin D3 analogue (calcipotriol)

2- Phototherapy :

Side effects : Nausea, vomiting, fatigue.


3- Systemic agent:

  • Methotrixate ,cyclosporine ,retinoid
  • Biologics


Scadele cream

Anti-Psoriasis – hyper keratinization – Moisturizer for sever dryness from common cold problems 

  • Coal tar (1%):

0.5 % – 5% is safe & effective

– Inhibit the activated lymphocytes , so prevent them to proliferate. (Via de novo pathway)

– Anti pruritic activity

-stop fungal and bacterial growth.

-It can heal psoriasis in 5 weeks

Zinc pyrethion:

– reduce scaling by: Normalizing the epithelial keratinization – anti seborrheic  anti – irritation or dryness.

Jojoba oil:

– moisturizer as well as a keratolytic

– loosens hardened scales so they can fall off naturally, thus making it possible for a patient’s skin to return to normal as quickly

– normalize keratin sloughing off from the dermis


Chamomile extract:

  • Extract from ch. flower.

reduce inflammation , relieving skin problem.

–   as effective as hydrocortisone in reducing itching inflammation has anti bacterial properties.

Bees wax:

  • It’s superior barrier cream
  • it protects the skin from secondary infection
  • keep body temperature


– It’s colorless, odorless, viscous liquid not only for dry skin ,suitable for all skin types.

-protects dry skin by filling, up intracellular matrix and also helps build up the skin structure

-in oily skin ,it’s very beneficial as it prevent & cure acne related skin problems



  • highly viscous transparent liquid at room temperature
  • It’s a humectant, emollient , moisturizer
  • Improve hydration
  • reduce itching , inflammation of the skin.

Olive oil :

  • maintain elasticity of the skin.


Scadele cream

  • 1st combination bet. traditional and new management of psoriasis.
  • Approved mixture for management of psoriasis .
  • Dramatically reduce abnormal proliferation.
  • Significant reduction of itching and inflammation.
  • perfect combination to proven moisturized skin.
  • well tolerated with no side effects.

Apply scadele 2-3 times / day or as to be directed.





100gm, 50gm

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